Shipping, Returns, and Claims


WakeBallast offers FREE standard shipping via FedEx on all steel shot ballast bag orders within the continental U.S. Most orders ship within 3-6 business days. Once your bags are with FedEx, delivery times are beyond our control. FedEx transit times typically range from 2-4 business days. Once your order ships, you'll receive a confirmation email with a FedEx tracking number. Non steel ballast orders may be shipped via USPS, UPS, Fedex depending on level of service and ship times.

Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days for a full refund. Refunds will not be issued unless the item is returned. To return an item, please call us at 877.321.7962.


If you have a package lost, stolen, or damaged during transit. WakeBallast can file a claim with the carrier and we will resend your items if sufficient evidence is provided.